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Akhbar New Sarawak Tribune - 11 Mac 2023

RM17 million new mosque opens after pandemic delay

KUCHING: The new Masjid Ikhwanul Islam Taman Sukma has now officially opened its doors to the community.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said the mosque which was built at a cost of RM17 million can accommodate as many as 3,000 worshippers at a time.

“This mosque was built to replace the old mosque which was only able to accommodate 800 worshippers.

“Alhamdulillah, with the state government’s contribution of RM8 million, RM5 million from the federal government; and contributions from waqf, corporate and the public, we are able to be here today in this new mosque.

“Although it was supposed to be completed within 18 months after it began construction in 2019, its construction was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said during the official opening ceremony of the mosque here today (Mar 11).

Aside from daily prayers, Friday prayers, talks and worship activities, the Masjid Ikhwanul Islam Taman Sukma mosque also provides services such as funeral services; hearse van service; al-quran disposal service; matrimonial services; security services; al-quran teaching service; and mortuary services.

In light of this, Fadillah who is also Petra Jaya MP said with the existence of the new mosque here, the old mosque may be redeveloped as a Center for Islamic Studies in Sarawak subject to approval from the state government.

“If it is approved, we will demolish, rebuild and turn it into an Islamic Studies Center that includes a madrasah, accommodation for imams, ustaz and guest speakers and make it a place to gain knowledge.

“Apart from religious activities, we can also use it as a place to establish mutual relations with those who are in and outside the nation.

“All in all, I want it (the old mosque) to be used as a center of knowledge and understanding of Islam,” he said.

On March 4, the new mosque was opened for the first time to the congregation to perform Maghrib and Isyak prayers with Fadillah and Sarawak Islamic Council (MIS) president Datuk Misnu Taha.

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